A Prayer For Uvalde

A.U.P sends its deepest prayers to the families of everyone impacted by the evil that has taken place in Uvalde, Texas. Children should not have to fear of going to school…school. There were over 600 mass shootings in the United States in 2021. Most amongst all countries, but nothing done. There have been 212 mass shootings in the 2022, but nothing done. There have been 27 school shootings this year, adding to the total of 119 since 2018, but nothing done. At some point, what does it take for people to realize that it has now become a choice to be dormant on a matter that should be effortless in thought when it comes to protecting people. To the two educators who tried heroically to protect the students at Uvalde Elementary, Eva Mireles and Irma Garcia, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice. To the 19 elementary students who will not have the opportunity to fulfill their purpose, we ask you to watch over us all. Help open the hearts of the heartless, and fill the spirits of the hopeless. We send our love to everyone right now. Be the change you want to see in the world. We’re trying. Please, help us.

Author: aurbanprep

A.U.P is a non-profit organization that provides relative, educational and cultural information.

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